Sophia Peabody Hawthorne's home is on Charter Street in Salem, Massachusetts. The Federal Style mansion, which sits next to the Old Burying Point Cemetery, was bought in 1835 by Dr. Nathaniel Peabody as a home for his wife and five children. Peabody's daughters were Renaissance women of their day, being actively involved in education, social reform and the arts. It was Elizabeth who invited author Nathaniel Hawthorne to their house shortly after the publication of his short story collection Twice Told Tales in 1837. He met Sophia on that day and the two would eventually wed on July 9, 1842 in Boston. Before their marriage Sophia was a painter and author but during their twenty year marriage her creative talents took a hiatus. After Hawthorne's death she would edit and publish his works, along with her writings and journals. Hawthorne would use the Peabody family home in one of his stories, Dr. Grimshawe’s Secret: A Romance, an unfinished work which was published posthumously in 1882. The mansion today has been much altered from its original look, and has fallen somewhat into disrepair.